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EPA 608 Certification

Tuesday, February 11, 2025 at 9:00 AM (EST) to Thursday, February 13, 2025 at 5:00 PM (EST)

Event Details

EPA 608 Certification Course

Must attend both dates (see agenda on right side of screen)
The course is only TWO days. The 12th there is NO class.
* This course is taught in English

This course provides an update on new EPA 608 requirements, including an exam for those seeking certification.

About EPA

EPA regulations (40 CFR Part 82, Subpart F) under Section 608 of the Clean Air Act require that technicians who maintain, service, repair, or dispose of equipment that could release ozone-depleting refrigerants into the atmosphere must be certified. This requirement will also applies to appliances containing most substitute refrigerants, including HFCs. The EPA has also placed a sales restriction on refrigerants, limiting the sale of regulated refrigerants to certified technicians only.

Technicians who violate the Clean Air Act provisions may be fined, lose their certification & may be required to appear in Federal Court.

Types of Certification

EPA has developed four types of certification:

  1. For servicing small appliances (Type I).
  2. For servicing or disposing of high- or very high-pressure appliances, except small appliances and MVACs (Type II).
  3. For servicing or disposing of low-pressure appliances (Type III).
  4. For servicing all types of equipment (Universal).

Learner objectives include: 

Day 1:

  • Review of required information targeted to assist in passing the required EPA examination.

Day 2:

  • Review of Test Material & Proctored EPA Test

Please bring a photo ID, calculator (not on a smartphone), and #2 pencil. If you are already EPA certified and need to test for a higher/Universal certification, please bring your current EPA license to class as well.

 For any questions, please contact

*Event prices, dates, and location are subject to change

CANCELLATION POLICY: Cancellations and No-Shows are still responsible for payment. If you cannot attend the event, please note that your registration is transferable for the same event. For transfers/ replacements to the original registration, the SEFAA Office must be notified 24 hours prior to event start (48 hours for Signature Events: Volleyball Tournament, Trade Show, Circle of Excellence) by calling the office at 561-447-0696 or emailing to prevent double billing. Attendees may present the name of the registrant being replaced at check-in; however prevention of double billing cannot be guaranteed when transfers are made on-site.

Accounts Receivables: If your account is past due 60 or more days, you will not be able to register for any of our upcoming programs, seminars or educational events until your account is brought up to current. Account can be brought current through Member Compass or calling the SEFAA office at 561-447-0696.


February 11
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Day 1 Education
February 13
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Day 2 Exam

For More Information:

Trish Capuano, CMP
Trish Capuano, CMP
Event Specialist SEFAA (561)447-0696

Host and Instructor Provided By:

About RezCor's Maintenance Workshops