Report a Legislative Issue
Share important information and insight to help keep our association and our members in-the-know.
Have a state or local issue that you would like to bring to SEFAA's attention? Our association is always looking for the most up-to-date information to better serve our members. Fill out the form below or contact our Government Affairs Director to report a legislative issue, share policy updates, or alert us to any industry challenges. Click below to access our private submission form. Thank you in advance for your support!
NOTE: All submission forms will be sent to and reviewed by our Government Affairs Director, and then passed along through the appropriate channels. It is important to know that SEFAA does not have the authority to directly resolve or rectify any incidents. Our mission is to focus on raising awareness and alerting the proper people to advocate for the best interests of the apartment industry. Any personal information included on the submission form will not be publicly shared and is for informational and follow-up purposes only.
Government Affairs Director
Director of Government Affairs SEFAA (800)627-7921Government Affairs Director