Maintenance Education Partner
The Maintenance Education (MEP) partnership is an annual package for companies who can provide quality education to the Maintenance Technicians in the South Florida Multifamily industry. MEPs will be responsible for creating the content for the maintenance workshop along with providing the location, food and beverage. Workshops are suggested to be taught in English and Spanish. English sessions are typically held in the morning and Spanish sessions are typically held in the afternoon.
This package is exclusive to only four MEP companies per year.
The value behind becoming a SEFAA MEP includes direct access to:
590 Apartment Communities
143,906 Units
155 Management Companies
MEP Events
MEP Sponsored Events and Expected Attendance
Maintenance Workshop 1 - 20-50
March 8, 2018
Maintenance Workshop 2 - 20-50
June 14, 2018
Maintenance Workshop 3 - 20-50
August 9, 2018
Maintenance Workshop 4 - 20-50
October 11, 2018
Total Expected in Attendance: 80-200
MEP Perks
- 2018 SEFAA MEP logo to use on your own company marketing materials
- Opportunity to teach an interactive hands-on Maintenance Workshop in English and Spanish
- Company logo linking to your company website on the event registration pages
- Company logo on marketing flyers and emails promoting each of the Maintenance Workshops
- Social media post promoting your company as a SEFAA MEP
Maintenance Education Partner Cost: In-Kind Sponsorship